
In 2013 I finished my master Cultural Science, since that time I have published some texts.

Most of my texts are in Dutch, for translation of the subjects feel free to contact me.

As an artist I’m very interested in the way meaning production and interpretation takes place.
Recently I have contributed to some publications with multiple writers and artists.

2022 Printmaking in the Netherlands Essay for the Guanlan Forum 2022,  an annual event in Shenzen China. In 2022 the subject was:  Retrospect and Prospect – The History and Current Situation of Printmaking in Different Countries and Regions Around the World

2021 De Lijn Waaiert Uit Publication following a masterclass about an artist’s text from 1971.

2020 Graphic Transformations Publication from the University of Sofia about Dutch and Bulgarian printers and the role of the computer

2016 Werkplaatsen 3.0 Article about the role of printers workshops and contemporary forms of collaboration

2016 Blauwdruk, artikel in RAAM1603 Article about a members exhibition of a printers society. It appeared to be a nice showcase how the history of the language and styles of art can be recognized in contemporary work

2015 Natuurlijk Grafiek Article written for a magazine about nature and nature preservation, about an exhition showing contemporary prints about nature

2014 Verhalen en productieve verwarring How meaning and a narrativity take place in the head of the artist and the public instead in the work of art, as suggested by structuralist art theories

2013 Serendipiteit About the important role of coincidence

2013 Ruhrgebied, framing en semiotiek Text about the changed meaning of a former industrial area in Germany

2013 Afstudeerscriptie Vormen van Betekenis Thesis about the dynamics of meaning and interpretation as formulated by artists, based on the semiotic theory of Peirce

Teksten van derden 

Interview met Danae Bodewes

Sporen in de Ruimte, Tekst van Katja Rodenburg naar aanleiding van tentoonstelling in Veghel


Artikel in Trouw (2021), nav Laatste Avondmaal Venray

Recensie Jurjen K. van der Hoek, publicatie De Lijn Waaiert Uit

Recensie ED, publicatie De Lijn Waaiert Uit

Recensie stadskrant Veghel, Expositie Veghel

Recensie ED, Expositie Veldhoven